My goal is to help you understand the “whys” so you can make wise choices and grow your personal wealth.

C.J. Gunn

Hi! It’s me… C.J.

My name is C.J. Gunn and I’m on a mission to bring financial literacy to the masses. I decided to start a blog after talking to family and friends and realizing that sharing my experiences with overcoming personal finance challenges would probably be helpful to others. I, like many others, talked about being rich, but what I didn’t know, is that I had no idea what that meant or how to make it happen. I didn’t know how money worked. I was making a good bit of it, but I didn’t know that just making money (even a lot of it) will never make you wealthy. I had to learn about earning, saving, and investing and the different levers in each of those categories that I could pull. And most of all, I had to learn how to make money work for me instead of me trading my time for money.

Word cloud of financial terms

What I Know For Sure

Personal finance can seem overwhelming. There are so many different terms and acronyms. People tell you to save and invest, but don’t tell you where and how! And this is your hard-earned money so you don’t want to make mistakes. I want to help break down the concepts of personal finance into digestible chunks of useful and actionable information. This blog chronicles my financial journey, leaving nuggets of wisdom for you to follow. The play on words in the name is because I want to focus on the “Whys” of personal finance. For example, why should we save? Why should we invest? Why should we plan for retirement? But this blog isn’t all about saving and being frugal. I’ll also talk about things like, why we should spend money on the things that truly make us happy and why we make the decisions about money that we do.

Money isn’t everything and it can’t buy happiness, but it definitely matters…and it’s frankly harder to be happy when you’re broke. Financial literacy and wealth building principles help to build a solid financial foundation, which is a major equalizer in our society. With a solid financial foundation, so many more opportunities become available to you.

Money is a personal topic. Hence the reason it’s called personal finance. However, money shouldn’t be a taboo topic. Let’s talk about it openly. Let’s talk about how we can best leverage it to enhance our lives. In this blog, I want to give you excerpts from my real life so you can learn from my wins and losses.

People often talk about finding purpose in life or establishing their “why”. I believe many of the challenges we face have some root in money. And no, that doesn’t mean money is evil and/or we should get rid of it. We need to learn to best leverage it and use it as a tool for our benefit. A really smart friend of mine once said, “get in your lane and push”, meaning, to solve big problems, everyone can’t do everything. Find what your passion/strength is and do it well. This blog is my lane and I’m here to push.

I can’t guarantee that you’ll get rich from reading this blog, but I can guarantee that you’ll have a better understanding of how money works and be in a better position to make sound financial decisions for you and for your future. My goal is to help you understand the “whys” so you can make wise choices and grow your personal wealth.

Let’s do this!

CJ Gunn, The Money Whys Guy

C.J. | The Money Whys Guy